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I have moved! Mostly because WordPress runs Big Bloggity Circles around Blogger.

Kindly redirect your links to: http://anyabastblog.com/

If you're not instantly redirected, please go here for my blog.

Thank you!!

posted by Anya Bast, 2:18 PM
Yes, it does. *loves on Wordpress*

As a note, because I know you're on Romance Divas... my husband (Alan Morgan) is hosting Wordpress blogs on http://www.authorsabode.com like Wordpress does. The problem with Wordpress.com is that a limited amount of plug-ins are available. If you want to use AuthorsAbode, you can go through the Wordpress plug-ins listings, drop him an email as to what you'd like added, and he'll do so.

After using Wordpress for a year or so, I'm a plug-in slut... I love being able to make it do what I want. You can't do that so much with Wordpress.com, unfortunately.

Just thought I'd mention, since you're a fellow Diva. :)
commented by Blogger Nonny Blackthorne, 2:51 PM  

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