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You ALL made such breathtaking entries. I kept tearing up. Wonderful. Beautiful. I'm so happy I hosted this contest. I wish all of you could win something.

But, since I haven't won the lottery yet....

By random drawing, the winner is: Marcy.

Congrats, Marcy!!! I'll be broadcasting this all over the place since I don't have your email address. Please email me at anya (at) anyabast.com so we can arrange things.

posted by Anya Bast, 5:11 AM
Congrats Marcy!!
commented by Blogger robynl, 6:22 AM  
Congratulations Marcy! and Anya, I am glad that you hosted this contest too. It was wonderful to read through the posts.

Little Lamb Lost
commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 7:34 AM  
WOW!! I am emailing you right now! Thank you-I loved sharing this terrific experience.

commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 4:50 PM  

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