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I would so rather be at home writing today. Tomorrow, thankfully, is all about the writing. Really Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of every week are always about the writing for me. I get little done on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings just because when I get home from the Pod Farm I'm pretty sick of staring at a computer screen.

Tomorrow I continue work on a BDSM Quickie for EC entitled Edge of Sweetness. It's about halfway done and I figure I can probably finish it this week. I'm also looking forward to continuing a proposal for a book for EC's Tarot Series. It's historical fantasy and dovetails Lauren's Dane novel, Sword and Crown. My book incorporates the theme of the 2 of swords.

At some point I hope to get back to my BDSM novel Catriona's Surrender. I'm really looking forward to finishing this one. I set it aside reluctantly to work on Seduced in Twilight and Tempted by Two a few few months ago.

So many books I want to write, so little time.

posted by Anya Bast, 5:38 AM
I do so feel that pain. If I could just writing all day instead of everything else I have to do...

commented by Blogger Melany, 10:23 AM  

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